The Zip-A3E Pro cutter slitter is a high speed, heavy-duty, programmable cutter/slitter featuring proven reliability and outstanding crosscutting and slitting accuracy.

Running business cards, for example, the Zip-A3E Pro runs 2.3 to 5.3 times faster than throughput speeds advertised by competitive models.

Unfortunately, advertised “speed” doesn’t necessarily mean much in the real world.

Low capacity feeders and tray/bin deliveries can dramatically decrease productivity while increasing operator workload.

With the Zip-A3E Pro, customers get the highest throughput speed combined with a high capacity feeder and delivery conveyor as standard equipment.

The Zip-A3E Pro cutter slitter is a unique production machine that is ideally suited to finish a wide range of multiple up digitally printed products quickly, accurately and reliably.

The Zip-A3E Pro is the only cutter/slitter that offers the combination of features and capabilities required to maximize the profit potential of your business.

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