Rollover Classic Flat Bed Application Table

The Rollover standard program makes it easy to find the right model for your needs. What differs the various options is basically the size of the glass bed working area. Unlike most competitors, we have included as standard several properties normally found as optional features at a surcharge. By asking yourself the following questions, you will be able to find the model reflecting the needs of your business:

Model size in ft-inchGlass bed working area in ft-inchWorking area of roller in ft-inchRoller diameter in ft-inchApprox. weight in kgIllumination, LED
4′ 7″ x 9′ 10″4′ 7″ x 9′ 10″4′ 7″ x 8′ 11″0′ 5″510173W
5′ 7″ x 9′ 10″5′ 7″ x 9′ 10″5′ 7″ x 8′ 11″0′ 5″660231W
4′ 7″ x 13′ 1″4′ 7″ x 13′ 1″4′ 7″ x 12′ 1″0′ 5″610231W
5′ 7″ x 13′ 1″5′ 7″ x 13′ 1″5′ 7″ x 12′ 1″0′ 5″780308W
4′ 7″ x 19′ 8″4′ 7″ x 19′ 8″4′ 7″ x 18′ 8″0′ 5″940346W
5′ 7″ x 19′ 8″5′ 7″ x 19′ 8″5′ 7″ x 18′ 8″0′ 5″1200462W
4′ 7″ x 26′ 2″4′ 7″ x 26′ 2″4′ 7″ x 25′ 4″0′ 5″1080462W
5′ 7″ x 26′ 2″5′ 7″ x 26′ 2″5′ 7″ x 25′ 4″0′ 5″1080616W

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