Formax FD 260 Tabber

The Formax FD 260 Tabbing System makes quick work of applying postal tabs to folded mailpieces. The base unit is available with an optional Feeder and Output Conveyor.

With postal regulations changing, having a dependable and efficient tabber can make your mailings compliant with very little effort. The FD 260 tabs up to 15,000 pieces per hour, using a variety of tab stocks including clear, translucent and paper, in sizes from 1” to 1.5”. The built-in waste take-up spool reduces down-time.

With the addition of the optional FD 260-10 Feeder, operators can input a stack of up to 8” of material to be tabbed. Adjustable side guides prevent document skewing. The optional FD 260-20 Output Conveyor offers adjustable speed from 0 – 120 fpm, and stacks tabbed pieces in sequential order at the end for easy removal.

Using “crash tab” technology, the edge of the mailpiece is fed into the FD 260 where it contacts an adhesive tab and travels through a set of rollers where the tab is neatly
folded and sealed, creating a mail-ready piece. Accuracy is also key, as the tabs fold tight to the edge of the piece, without drifting from left to right.

The Formax FD 260 Tabbing System is a flexible solution for adapting to USPS Tabbing Regulations, and offers a high-speed automated method for preparing your mailpieces.

Featured Highlights


  • Speed: Up to 15,000 pieces per hour
  • Uses a variety of tab stocks
  • Built-in waste take-up spool
Recommended Options


  • FD 260-10 Feeder
  • FD 260-20 Output Conveyor
  • FD 260-30 Catch Tray

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