Akiles Alpha Bind CE Electric Comb Binding System

The new AlphaBind-CE offers a 12″ punch length and a more attractive cost. An
ideal comb binding system for those who work mainly with Letter-size (8.5″ x
11″) sheets.

Electric Punching, Manual Binding
Foot Pedal operated.
Punching Length: 12″ with open throat for longer
High-Volume Punch Capacity: With its unique punching
mechanism, you can punch up to 20 sheets of 20 lbs paper per lift.
Binding Capacity: Up to 2″
Die Disengagement Pins: Allows punching of all paper
sizes without any partially punched holes.
Depth Margin Control: Adjustable depth margins (4
steps) offers the best margin distance for each book size.
Side Margin Control
Large Waste Compartment: Easily accessible from the
front of the machine.
Heavy Duty Design: All metal construction.
Weight: 61 Lbs
Year Warranty

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